Public Swim - Open to all. No Lanes, just general swimming.
Lane Swimming - Open to anyone aged 8 and above who can comfortably swim lengths. There will be 4 lanes in the pool, slow, medium and fast. Please observe good lane etiquette which can be found below.
Aquafit - Shallow water aquafit in the shallow end of our main pool. Less intense and lower impact than Aqua Circuits
Aqua Circuits - Takes place in our learner pool. A high intensity water based exercise session.
Adult Lessons - Learner pool and main pool. Our beginners lessons take place in the learner pool and are suitable for both people who have never had lessons before and people looking to learn new techniques and build confidence in a safe, controlled environment. The advanced lanes take place in the main pool and are a coached drills and skills swimming set. The focus changes week on week. Feel free to speak to the instructor if there are particular aspects of your swimming that you would like to work on or events that you are training for. They will be happy to accomodate your needs.
Ladies Only Lane Swim - There will be 4 lanes in the pool. This is one of our most popular sessions so please ensure you observe good lane etiquette (can be found below). A ladies only session creating a safe and supportive environment for those who perhaps feel a little conscious whilst swimming.
If there is an empty lane, use it.
Don't join someone else if a lane is free, instead use the free one until others join the pool.
Make sure other swimmers are aware you are joining them in the lane.
This helps avoid accidents and injuries. Always try and make sure others are aware you are going to join the lane. You could do this by sitting to the side of the lane with your feet in rather than jumping straight in, or sliding into the corner and waiting for the other swimmers to pass.
If there is only one other person in the lane - split it.
If you both agree, you can take one half of the lane each. DO NOT do this until you have spoken to the other person in the lane and explicitly agreed. If you both want to - great! You both get extra space and you won't have to wait for each other. If a third person joins, resume circle swimming following the lane signs.
Lane speed should be dictated by the fastest swimmer in the lane.
If you can't keep up, drop down a lane. There is no shame in getting into the correct pace lane and it avoids frustration for everyone involved The direction of swimming will be dictated by the lane signs at the shallow end of the pool.
If the person behind you is faster, let them pass.
Do not push off in front of a faster swimmer. This can cause frustrations and collisions. If you are the faster swimmer in the lane, try your hardest to allow the slower swimmer as much time as possible before you start
They aren't trying to tickle you.
If someone taps your feet don't take it personally, it means they want to pass. Be polite and move out of the way once you reach the end of the length and let them pass. The slower swimmer should always let a faster swimmer past. If you are at the end of a lane move to the side to allow them to turn in the centre of the wall. Check how many people are there and make sure you leave a gap behind the last swimmer before you push off and resume swimming.
Mind the gap!
Do not push off straight behind the last person. They will not be aware of how close you are and you will cause a collision and may get kicked. Although we are all first aid qualified we like to avoid injuries as much as possible!
Be polite. Communicate. Do your best to explain the etiquette. If you have any issues please inform one of the lifeguards on poolside and they will do their best to help you.