A group cycling exercise class which focuses on the core and legs. This is one of our most popular classes so please ensure you book in advance.
Earlier this year we invested in a brand new set of 15 IC5 spin bikes. This was incredibly exciting for us as these are state of the art bikes with technology built in to allow us to personalise every workout. You can read more information about the system further down the page
A tailored workout based around your own ability and fitness levels
Everyone will be working at their own level
Colour zones let you easily see what intensity you are working at
Scientific algorithms ensure you get the most out of every workout
Colour coded workout that only you can see. No pressure to perform in front of the class
Friendly atmosphere with supportive instructors
Water (We have fountains on site to refill bottles)
A small towel (use to wipe down mats, and also yourself!)
Comfortable gym wear
Sports bra (if necessary!)
Trainers or cycling cleats
Cycle shorts if you have them (Not necessary)
Inhaler if you are asthmatic
ICG’s Coach By Color® training system delivers real-time, color-coded biofeedback to the user. Coach By Color® has five colored training zones: white, blue, green, yellow and red. These zones can be linked to WattRate® (power) and Functional Threshold Power (FTP), or heart rate and percentage of Heart Rate Max (HRM). FTP represents the workload above which an individual cannot sustain prolonged exercise. Similar to HRM, once an individual‘s FTP is known, users are assigned the 5 colored zones to accurately coach their effort for the best customized results. To display the color zones the WattRate® LCD computer features an LED indicator located above the LCD screen providing the user the option to apply Coach By Color®.
"The new bikes are insane! Absolutely love them"
"Love the new bikes, can't lie to myself any more and say i'm working hard when the bike clearly tells me i'm not. Makes sure I work hard every session"